Monday, October 19, 2009

Flavor! Girls... Furry Edition? Yes!

Nightmoon Silverfall

Just another look at our beautiful associates here at Flavor!... and yes, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and even species. :) Nightmoon is pictured wearing the Tech Evolve in pink.

HiHi and Hello. My name is Nightmoon Silverfall and I'm one of the proud Assistants at Flavor! Designs.

I came to Second Life in February at the, happy, insistance of a long time and wonderful friend. I was baffled, confused and astounded by this world that was created for everyone. He taught me everything I needed to know, and then some, so I could always get around and never have problems.

With his help, I learned to dress, find the right shapes and av's that I wanted, and how to do some minor building and modding. To this day, I still love to make some simple clothing textures for myself and a few friends, and have started to delve into building a club that he and I had when we first met. I'm not that great, and I tend to tear down what I make, until I get it just right, but its fun to me. When I'm not doing that, I hang around my home sim with my sweetheart and our lil family, or club hop and dance the day away, or shop the day away hehe.

And my bad, or good, shopping habits lead me to find Traken's shop, Flavor!

I have a .. hair fetish? I love hair. And when I found Flavor, I think I started to wear my welcome out with Traken, for being there so often to see new styles out and bringing some friends in with me here and there. I love the variety of hair styles and jewelry items, and couldn't help but send in an application to work, repeatedly LOL, so I could try to help sell and show off the hair and shop that I'd come to love.

Each day I come in, the staff are welcoming, fun to joke around with, but amazingly dedicated to welcome the customers and willing to help in any way possible. It's not like coming to work at all. It's more like coming to a second home where you can relax and do your job without the usual job pressures. I smile clocking in, and am still smiling when I clock out for the wonderful atmosphere and relaxing I feel while there.